Join us if you would like to participate in an in person gathering this Saturday, June 20th at Redemption Church Gateway. We will pray together and you will hear the sermon for Sunday morning.

Review the following before you RSVP 

  • I understand that there will be no Anchor Kids my children must be able to undestand social distancing, sit with me, wear a mask, and not run around. (NOTE: We understand that poses a problem logistically and potentially means one or both parents will not be able to attend. This is a must currently for our meeting but this could change in coming weeks.)

  • I understand that properly fitting masks are required for now. We will have some masks available if you do not have your own.

  • I understand that prior to attending in person I must be able to answer YES to the following: I am not currently sick, nor am I displaying flu-like symptoms (that are unrelated to pre-existing conditions) which may include fever, cough, difficulty breathing, and/or a temperature of 100.4° or higher, nor have I had prolonged exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

  • I understand that gathering together has health-related risks that can be minimized but not eliminated.

  • I understand that if I am at a higher risk for severe illness due to age or underlying health conditions, I should seriously consider worshiping from home.

  • I will show love to my neighbor by taking appropriate personal precautions, exercising discretion in how I interact with others, and choosing my seat in the worship center wisely.